1. Dear Blogspot Reader Friends,

    After taking a year sabbatical from writing and sharing on this site, I am back at a new location! Come on over and visit us at our new home. Hope to hear from y'all soon!


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  2. Isn't it easy to pick our kids apart?
    We see a behavior that lights a fire
    in us as parents and in we go
    for the change.

    This past week one of our boys
    had a weak moment of talking down
    to his brother.

    I jumped in immediately and 
    made the corrections. 
    Lots. Of. Corrections.
    He backed down a little bit but 
    was still in it to win it.

    Being exhausted with discussing the 
    same issue over and over...
    I didn't leave much room for his 

    Later that night our daughter was
    not in her happy place before bedtime
    and honestly I wasn't either.

    I had spent the day making school creative
    and fun. We had girl time.
    We drank coffee and laughed.
    Then her words stung me that afternoon.

    As her brothers came home from their class
    they began to unfold the events of the morning and
    little miss decided to inform them of
    how boring her morning was.
    Really? What a brat!

    Lesson 1 that day:

    We can choose to not allow 
    the behavior of our
    kids in 10 minutes of the day 
    to set the tone for the other 720.

    I chose to be disappointed in her
    ungrateful spirit.
    I should have chosen to speak gently to her words
    and give her an opportunity to respond...

    without an expectation that would determine the
    course of my day.

    I let her win that afternoon and because she won
    my heart was bitter in every other conversation.

    I knew emotionally I was done for the day...
    Oh my word please tell me you have been here?!
    Like, DONE.
    I couldn't get her tucked in fast enough that night.

    The normal routine was not happening.
    No cuddles, no books, no prayers.
    Just fan on, nightlight on, lamp off
    and "goodnight I love you" as the door was closing.

    Right after I turned off the lamp
    in walked that son
    who knew Momma was not a peace.
    He knew his words had gone too far.
    He sensed that I needed help
    on more levels than one.

    Don't you love it when 
    kids come back
    to restore?

    I was done. He was not.

    Lesson 2 that day:

    We can choose to
     enter into a tough situation.
     One where we have been hurt.
    Especially one where we 
    did the hurting. 

     Just by walking into that room 
    he showed me that he cared
    and he was not willing to
     let the night end without
    bringing the peace.

     My son was teaching me about grace. 
    He was the example
    I should have been to my daughter.

    He came in her room and watched
    as I went through the motions.
    I avoided eye contact in his silence 
    not because I was mad...but because I 
    was on the cliff of uncontrollable tears.

    Then he spoke.
    " Mom I am really sorry I argued with you. Please
    forgive me."
    "I forgive you bud. Its okay, Moms heart is just heavy."
    "Well I want to say that I have been working
    on getting along better with the sibs. I'm sorry if
    I made a wrong choice."
    I thanked him and closed her door.

    Meanwhile at the table,
    the family was setting up a game of CLUE.
    I was invited to join in by the littlest brother
    about 5 times...

    As we cleared the table after dinner.
    In his sisters room as I got her in bed.
    Down the hallway as he followed me to my room.
    Through the door of the bathroom that I had shut...
    and one last time
    as I climbed into bed in tears.
    Through the door he said, 
    "Momma whats wrong?"
    "Momma are you okay? You don't have to play."

    I responded broken,
    "I'm fine baby. Moms just done for the day."

    Lesson 3 that day:

    We can choose to forgive
     and move on in a moments notice.
    Our kids do this well. 
    I missed out that night...
    I needed space but could have moved on.

    We are professionals at holding on
     to past hurts and unnecessary comments.
    This guy should have been upset too.
    He was a recipient of 
    the brotherly smack talk all afternoon,
    yet he was pursuing his Mom
     with a fresh perspective and joy.

    In the hustle of parenting, we often find ourselves
    in the teacher role.
    Sometimes we need to step back to learn from the ones
    that share the rooms of our home and celebrate
    when they show more maturity than we do!


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  3. The arrival of spring has a way with me.

    The green,
    the growth,
    the sneezes and coughs.

    Each new rain reminding me of my own 
    willingness or stubbornness to be weeded and washed.

    Often times we find ourselves
     consumed with the growth of others.
    We may come a across a post of someone who
    we immediately feel the need to judge and correct.
    Lovingly of course because we love Jesus...
    With their best in mind of course because we care.

     Our focus conveniently 
    turns outward rather than inward
    where the real beauty change needs to happen.

    Have you been there?
    Maybe you have a list of people
    who just aren't meeting your expectations.

    We have spoken too soon,
    and then hid under the carpet with the issue at hand.

    Some days we allow a weed to grow taller
    rather than pull it and make room for healthy growth.
    Other days we say we are
     "planting" or "watering"
    but really not leaving room for a God sized shower.

    "You visit the earth and water it;
    you greatly enrich it;
    the river of God is full of water..."
    Psalm 65:9

    We just might find ourselves overly determined
     to pull the weeds from a friends life that
    we abandon our own weed infested heart.

    Oh the peace that would come 
    with frequent pruning and weeding.
     In our efforts to clean them up...
    our own lives become infested with the weeds of

    and that ugly word

    Have you had a moment when
    you tricked yourself into believing that you
    had the remedy to remove the weeds of sin
    in another?

    "You water its furrows abundantly,
    settling its ridges,
    softening it with showers,
    and blessing its growth."
    Psalm 65:10

    Obviously I've seen this in my own life
    on many well meaning occasions!
    When we fix our eyes on our own initiatives
    we lose sight of His.

    Jesus just may be leading that friend
    who we so desperately want to prune.
    They just may be walking close to the spirit.

    Through our determination
     to be the game changer
     in the life of another,
    we must stop ourselves and make
    sure our motives are in
     grace and not of grumbling.

    That we are rooted in forgiveness 
    and not in fear.
    In our seeking to save
    we seek to sacrifice our own plans.

    As the showers wash over spring,
    and we see the growth taking place...
    It is my hope and maybe yours as well
    that we tend to the weeds
    in our own lives daily.

    My friends, as long as the heart
    of another isn't the first place we go
    to begin spring cleaning, 
    we can walk 
    in light of our own growth 
    making it possible
    to guide another by example
     in words and in actions.

    As I look into my own backyard,
    I see freshly laid mulch in the beds around
    our pool deck.

    Just a week old and there are already
     weeds pushing through.
    A beautiful reminder that even
     a well groomed flower bed
    can be quickly overtaken.

    What weeds need to be pulled in your own life?
    Whose weeds do you need to stop pulling up?


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  4. Yesterday was one of those
    days in Motherhood.
    You know the kind where you just struggle
    to display a good attitude?

    An inner war had
     taken up camp in my heart. 
    Back and forth 
    I fought 
    with trying to 
    but couldn't resist going in for the 

    In one sentence I was correcting my 
    son for raising his voice at me.
    I reminded him of the disrespect he was showing
    even if he thought he was joking.

    Can you relate? Please?

    The battle continued hour by hour.
    I so desperately wanted to teach him
    a better way to communicate.

    I knew what I needed to do,
    but failed to let grace onto 
    the scene.

    Like any other parent,
    I just didn't have the patience
    or the self control in the heat
    of the battle to calmly
    share with my boy.

    It didn't take long until my responses
    to his behavior were much louder and
    came accompanied by threats 
    of "no cookies"
    or "miss the movie"!

    My older ones
    knew I was asking one thing
    and living out another but 
    should they call me out,
    they too would have to dodge
    the cannons.

    Do you ever do that?
    Ask your child to lower his or her voice
    while you are in fact raising yours?

    That very situation
     got me thinking about 
    all the other times 
    throughout our days
     where we 
    expect one thing 
    yet good old fashioned pride
    wins and do the
    exact opposite. 

    Days when you...

    inform your son that
    his complaining needs to stop
    when you just finished a
     gripe session of your own?

    tell your teenage daughter to get off her
    phone while you are on yours?

    request that a Grandparent not
    feed your child something
    that you know you've given them?

    expect a friend to care about
    you in a way you wouldn't?

    Thankfully when pride enters the 
    front lines...
    we can raise 
    the flag of humility
    and call off the war.

    The reality is,
    we can fail in front of each other
    and its better that way.
    The result of that fail is,
    determined by our willingness to 
    ask for forgiveness.
    Both the fail and the forgiveness
    grow us.

    When we are willing to show humility
    our kids see and learn a better way.

    How often are our expectations
    mandatory for them
    but optional for us?


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  5. I just settled down into my favorite work space.
    It feels so crazy to be gone from this place
    after a 9 week pause.

    God has a sneaky way 
    of crafting His plan.
     He has kindly interrupted 
    the lives of the Howells
     with another baby bundle.

    Just when I felt like I was rising early 
    to hear His voice.
     to receive His teaching, 
     and correction...
    He was waking my spirit
     and preparing me
    to be surprised!

    If you follow this blog, you know that 
    God drastically rearranged my habits
    and set a renewed passion for rising early
    to start my day.
    Much to my delight...
    He was growing more than just my heart those
    early mornings. 
    He was growing a tiny human being.

    The desire of my heart to experience the joy
    of one last baby was taken last Christmas.

    As I worked through the grieving and 
    loss of hope, Jesus brought peace.
    The journey is not always joy filled
    but it is always for our best and His glory.
    Easy to type, difficult to receive.

    These words of Matt Redman
    speak to me in the great and in the hard days.

    "In battle, in blessing
    your love never fails us.
    unending, unchanging
    what could come against
    your love for us?

    You are good forever and your love endures...
    Jesus always, your love remains...
    You are good."

    I went from having plans to
    write and develop a ministry 
    that flowed from writing down my own days,
    to having that desire removed completely
    as my focus literally
     turned inward
    to the life beating
     inside of this Momma.

    I have been gloriously sick all day for 
    several weeks...and happy about it!

    Exhaustion quickly set in and removed
    my morning wake up calls.
    Afternoon naps consumed what used
    to be my quiet down time.

    Pregnancy hormones set fire
    to my laid back, easy going self!
    Thankfully I am on the other side
    of the first trimester craziness
    and looking forward to being present
    and not just surviving.

    I love that God has
     chosen to grow our family. 
    I am in awe of how different 
    it is on so many levels (another blog post)
    to experience pregnancy at nearly 40!

    I have missed writing and sharing with ya'll.
    It keeps me accountable
    and reminds me of the
     blessings before
    and behind me.

    I am reminded that we live our lives
    in seasons.
     The truth that our days
    dont have to look the same
    or even be incredibly awesome
    to be living out God's will,
    is healthy and freeing!

    I'm sure you are in some kind of season.
    One of great joy and celebration,
    one of deep hurt and desperation,
    or even one of feeling nothing at all.

    Can you find Him faithful in your current season?
    Looking forward to being back at the Nighthowells
    with yall! Happy weekend.


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  6. The table was littered with the belongings of all 6 of us.
    Dads computer.
    Zach's Geometry.
    Peyton's quarter collections.
    Keaton's art supplies.
    Molly's clothes.
    My dirty dishes.

    The table seems to be Grand Central Station in our home.
    Its doesn't matter that we have a schoolroom upstairs
    to house the piles of books and papers.
    We all end up at the table together.
    A sweet but messy situation.

    We regroup on several levels just like you do
    I'm sure. In the busy of basketball
    schedules and school assignments
    the places in our home get a little 
    out of control.

    Those wood floors that have accumulated
    a nice thick layer of dust and dog hair
    need rescuing.
    The bathrooms are screaming for disinfectant.
    The laundry has formed giant mountains.
    The fun meals that were strategically planned out
    all week have been cooked I have 5 people now
    asking me whats for dinner.

    It feels good
    to give attention to our home.
    It feels even better
     to give attention to the people
    living in it.

    The weekend is also a time
     for us to regroup with our
    kids. To connect with each heart.

    Maybe you have kids in your life
    and it is a struggle to try and arrive 
    on the same page with them. 
    You want to know their hearts desire,
    to understand how they feel,
    but especially to make yourself available
    to them for unloading conversation.

    It can be so easy to go weeks without connecting
    and those weeks start to feel like you've lost 
    a bit of their hearts.

    The time can be redeemed and its never too late to 
    start talking to your kids!
     Especially those tween and teen aged ones.
    They want to have your attention and 
    that is easy to grant! 

    "Is there anything you want 
    to tell me that I don't know about?"
    This is an easy question that invites
    your kids to share something that may be hard 
    to bring up on their own.

    "Talk to me about how things 
    went with your friends this week!"
    I love this because it gives them
     permission to just
     talk and share stories.
     Sometimes hours worth of stories.
    If we listen in, we can pick up things like
    insecurities, excitement, and disappointment.

    We cant allow the mountains of laundry
    and layers of dog hair to keep us 
    away from the hearts we are most
    responsible for.

    Jump in, tidy up, regroup, and make strides
    in the relationships you have with your kids.

    Start by giving them the gift of your time.
    The gift of listening and availability 
    can make a big difference in the condition of
    their hearts!


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  7. Rising early this week 
    I have heard God speaking to my heart
    about light.

    Before my early wake up calls
    began, I never saw the sunrise...
    and I was perfectly fine with that.
    I am changed.
    Filled with morning purpose.

    My kids are in pure shock because
    honestly I cant remember the last time I was
    awake before them.
    I have been missing moments.
    I now get to see them come
    down the stairs
    and curl up on the couch.

    I get to witness their legs that grew longer
    in the night.
    I'm telling you,
     God renews our
    hours and supplies us with
     a fresh glimpse of urgency.

    I get to watch in awe that huge sun
    make its way to the tree line
    breaking the dawning of 
    a new day of purpose.

    He reminded me that there is nothing
    He is not sovereign over.
    He suspends the entire globe 
    in the heavens. 
    So often we get stuck in
    a rut with our thinking about God.
    We push through the day
    as if it is a burden to be alive
    rather than a privilege.

    His gaze is on creation.
    He directs us to the work 
    he's prepared for us to do.
    He tells us to get busy
    living in the light.
    He instructs us to 
    not hold back in the
     sharing the light.
    He wakes us up 
    to what He is doing today.
    He asks us to stop chasing 
    what we think we want.
    He gives us the early morning reminder,

    "For you were once darkness,
    but now you are
     light in the Lord.
    Live as children of light
    for the fruit of
     the light consists in all
    and truth... 
    find out what pleases the Lord." 
    Ephesians 5:8-10

    Maybe God is gently nudging or loudly shouting
    for you to step into the light.
    To wake up to His purpose for you today.


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  8. It felt like a parenting fail.
    We were not having the kind
    of day 
    one enjoys writing about.

    After hours of trying to get to he bottom
    of a situation I said to her,
    "You know what is wrong with your heart?"
    She looked at me and said the textbook answer
    "My heart is ugly."

    I continued to give her my
     much stronger answer,
    "You don't have Jesus and that is why
    we aren't getting anywhere."

    With passion I vented,
    "As long as you continue to do things your way,
    you will choose sin and sin hurts you and 
    everyone around you."

    Please tell me you have spoke to yourself
    while venting to your kids.

    In that moment 
    I heard two things.

    1. A little girl trying to figure out the conflicts of obeying while
    her Momma was pushing Jesus as a way to be done.

    2. I heard my own self speaking words that were for me first.
    "You aren't listening to Jesus in this situation...that is why
    you aren't getting anywhere with her heart."

    Some days don't go as textbook as we plan.
    Being in the thick of teaching obedience with 
    kids of any age gets messy.

    We love to see them soaring
    and making right choices.
    We love to see the "win" in their
    hearts and the attitudes that flow from it.

    Other days feel like a train wreck.
     pep talk,
    heart to heart,
    and giving of our souls
    just isn't seeming
    to make a connection.

    This process is brutal.
    Not because it is exhausting to 
    go day after day teaching the same truths
    so they can live a full life...
    but because that 
    "come to Jesus" moment 
    usually is not for our kids.

    That moment when we ask
    God to show our kids himself in
    any situation....
    He brings the
    into focus in
    our own hearts.
    He asks us to offer grace to them
    just like He extends to us.

    Have you ever had that conversation with God before?
    "Lord please help ________ realize their sin
    and so they can have a clean heart before you
    and function as a blessing in this family."

    Only to have Jesus spin
     that question right around
    so that the focus is on you saying,

    "Jenny, you need to realize your sin
    so you can have a clean heart
     before me and function as
    blessing to this family."

    If we are open
    to parenting with grace
    and leading our kids
    by example...
    then those "come to Jesus" moments 
    we often pray for
    require a reality check
    in our own hearts.

    Thankfully God does this for us.
    He redeems the moments
     that we mess up.
    He gently opens our eyes
     so that we don't miss 
    what he wants to accomplish in
    us as we raise up our kids
    to trust Him.

    How willing are you to take the correction you
    give your kids and apply it to your own life?


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  9. Sometimes it takes time
    to for us to hear God's best.
    Often we hear but don't act.
    I have been "hearing" God asking
    me to switch my late night
    quiet time to morning for the past 2 years...
    but was not willing to act.

    I loved to chase the end of the day. 
    Watching sunsets is my favorite...
     making the most of the final hours.

    To rise and shine early
     meant I would get to 
    chase the start of the day not
    just the close.

    "From the RISING 
    of the sun to its SETTING,
    the name of the Lord is to be praised!"
    Psalm 113:3

    There is a cost to all this chasing.
    After all, waking up 2 hours before
    the rest of my house meant 
    it would still be dark.
    It meant that I would have too
    go to bed before my people in order to
    be AWAKE while they slept.
    It all sounded so out of control!

    Who does that on purpose 
    if they don't have to be somewhere
    in the morning?

    Staying up later than
    the house meant
     all was calm and quiet.
    No one needed me
    and I could relax into the
     things I wanted to do
    without interruption.

    Well folks...

    I would like y'all
    to meet my newest friend.
    I have not loved this friend
    in the past the way I should
    and have honestly been in
    deep denial of the possibility
    of us being close. 

    Over time God has been
    pushing us closer together
    but I keep my distance.
    I have feared an unhealthy
    connection and so
     I remained kind yet

    I am writing to you this morning
    sitting here with this friend.
    Her name is AWAKE.
    That word I chose for the new

    The one that meant I needed 
    to rise from my slumber and wake up to
    Gods purpose in my life,
    His written word to me,
    His joy that reaches the people 
    in my circle of influence!

    I will never be that Proverbs 31 gal.
    You know the one.

    "She rises while it is yet night
     and provides food for her 
    household and portions 
    for her maidens." Proverbs 31:15

    I can rise when it is yet night.
    I cannot cook up a potluck at 4am
    and have small group time 
    with my maidens.

    This friendship is new.
    It will have its valleys...
    I promise.
    AWAKE and I will have 
    some hard days and will 
    not be on the same page every day.

    Have you every known in your
     heart that God was asking you
    to make a change
    but kept distance
     from all possibility
    because you didn't
     want to lose the comfort
    of your old ways?

    It could be any change
    in your life from exercise to eating healthy
    to stepping out in relationships.

    He remains patient with us
    sometimes pushing us gently and 
    other times the push has to be brutal
    in order for us to get the message.

    It is a choice we have to make.
    Will we rise (literally for me)
    to the occasion and meet God where
    He wants us?
    Or will we miss out on the joy
    set before us and remain stuck in our ways.

    My prayer for you is that you will
    chose to spend your weekend awake!


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  10. The supermom status.
    Its an epidemic isn't it?

    Moms are feeling the
    pressure to go and do
    like never before.
    Its almost as if...
    you aren't a good Mom
     if you don't
    have a packed schedule.
    If your sanity is about to burst.

    The truth is...
    our own kids don't 
    want us to be a Supermom.

    Supermom means flying
     to and fro all over the map
    trying to save the day.
    Or to be real...it means
    doing a bunch of activities that
    you don't want to be doing
    so that you appear to have it
    all together. In the meantime...
    life is falling apart.

    Not that being motivated to go and do
    is a bad thing. It sure can become a Mom's identity
    if she isn't careful.

    What they really want is for us to be a
    Staying focused on the hearts at hand.

    First step in removing the capes...

    1. Remove the disengaged cape.
    Slow down.
    Take time to engage 
    in conversations.
    Even if they are about 
    the latest model of basketball shoes.
    Even if they call from 
    the top of the stairs for 30 minutes
    for us to come look 
    at the fort they made.
    Always when you need 
    to apologize for
    an angry moment.
    Being available to guide...
    Especially when 
    they are broken,
    but even more when 
    they are beaming.

    2. Remove the busy cape.
     Start saying NO.
     Even the good things
    you are super at...
     aren't the best way
    to spend your family time.
    As we strive for that status, we are finding
    that in the effort and exhaustion, 
    we are losing the hearts of our kids.

    3. Remove the false you cape.
    Some of our running and spinning is eaten up with
    trying to be someone we were completely not created to be.
    Social Media contributes to this cape.
    Insecurities do too.
    Imagine how creatively awesome
     our friendships would be
    if we all stopped trying to be
     the same person.
    Our gifts would balance each other out.
    Our weaknesses would find a way to come out.

    We would accomplish
     our own assignments
    rather than chasing
     the assignments of others.

    I don't want the Supermom stressed out status.
    I want to be a Momentmom. 

    What cape will you begin to remove?


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